Sentra Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Mega Jaya is valued as successful in breeding Australian Brahman Cross cattle in 33 months partnership with the Indonesia Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding (IACCB) Program. For this success, the IACCB Program officially handed 73 Brahman Cross cattle to SPR Mega Jaya at Bojonegoro District today (7/10).
Read MoreThirty-seven breeder groups, members of the Livestock Production Cooperative (Koperasi Produksi Ternak/KPT) of Maju Sejahtera in Tanjung Bintang Subdistrict, South Lampung officially received the Brahman Cross Australia breeders from the Indonesia Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding (IACCB) Program (30/9).
Read MoreSubsequent to the 7th Partnership Meeting (February 2019) and Partnership Design Document Workshop (April 2019), the Partnership Co-chairs meeting was held on 12 July 2019 in Jakarta to formally endorse the Partnership Design Document (PDD).
Read MoreOn 15–18 July 2019, seventeen participants (11 male, 6 female) from various cattle breeding enterprises in Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan participated in the Cattle Reproduction Management Training for Veterinarians in Bogor, West Java and Serang, Banten.
Read MoreThe Cattle Pregnancy Test Training for Para Vets from 5 to 26 August 2019 in BBIB Singosari
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